So, if you live in Sweden, like me, then you will have found out that EyeTV doesn't have support for a swedish program guide. This is, I think, because there is no free TV program listing outlet in Sweden. But don't worry, you can get one anyway! And perhaps this works for other countries as well? The steps are easy:
Surf to www.tvtv.co.uk and sign up for a free account. When done, you type the same information in the preferences in EyeTV after having picked "tvtv - UK" as Service.
In the channel view you can now assign EPG (Electronic Program Guide) information to each channel, and tvtv in UK carries information about Swedish channels, so after a few clicks you have valid EPG to retrieve a program guide.
Go to the program guide and refresh it and see program information flow in (sometimes you have to restart EyeTV for it to make a clean refresh for some reason).
And the full screen program guide works the same way.