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After Google Pressure, Samsung Will Dial Back Android Tweaks, Homegrown Apps

01/30/2014 - samsung, google
In early January, while the rest of the consumer technology world at CES marveled at the sheer size of Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy tablet, Google execs were dismayed by what they saw on the screen of the massive 12.1-inch slate — a fancy new user interface called Magazine UX.

As Re/code’s Bonnie Cha wrote at the time: “The Magazine UX looks like a mix of Flipboard and Microsoft’s Metro user interface with its dynamic dashboard and app shortcuts.” In other words, the interface was a dramatic departure from Google’s vision for Android.

Multiple sources familiar with the companies’ thinking say the two technology giants began hammering out a series of broad agreements at CES that would bring Samsung’s view of Android in line with Google’s own. The results of the talks, which have only just begun dribbling out to the public, also underscore the extent to which Google is exerting more of its influence to control its destiny in the Android open source world.
The wonder of open source... As long as you do it the way Google wants you to do it. Basically, Google is using Google Maps, an app Samsung hasn't yet created a homebrew solution for, to force Samsung into submission. Use Android as intended or lose the license.